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Shrink Sleeve Label Applicator

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Shrink sleeve label applicator from Multipack Machinery is designed to give high speed labeling operation. It is compatible for applying tamper evident band label application. Like other shrink sleeve applicator models, this device is also equipped with the latest and advanced MMI and PLC base control panel for efficient and precise labeling operation. The bary centre and base has been designed perfectly in all the shrink sleeve applicator models and these features support for consistent and long term labeling operation. Its labeling speed can be adjusted starting from 50 products per minute to 200 products per minute.


  • We have designed this model into a compact design and as per GMP norms.
  • Like other models this machine is also provided with SS304 conveyor that helps for perfect product conveying.
  • The machine structure is made up of rigid materials thus provide vibration free labeling operation.
  • The tunnel is made up of MS with powder coating material.
  • Worm for the positive feeding.


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